Do you ever feel like you're constantly on edge, unable to catch your breath and that even the "simple" things in life feel like too much?

If so, you're not alone.

Overwhelm is real. It happens to us all.

The good news is: help is here.

Have a listen below.

Hear what people have to say

I recommend it to everyone!

Yogatara's warm, compassionate and insightful guidance makes this course truly unique and worthwhile. It's packed with practical tips that are easy to follow and effective in improving how you feel. The videos make a huge difference in connecting with the practices and ideas. I've not only recommended this course to friends and students but use it as a valuable teaching resource. It serves as a comprehensive toolkit you can return to time and again.  

  • Yanar | Yoga Therapist & Health Editor, UK

A Roadmap Back to "Me"

I had been sick for three weeks and was behind on deadlines and actually felt behind on life. Completely overwhelmed! The exercises helped me connect with myself again and gave me the roadmap to get there.

- Jodie | USA

Everything about you is wired to heal and move towards balance.

It's not just in your head

Although you may think you're "over-reacting" and your mind may be racing, overwhelm is not just in your head.

In fact, overwhelm is something that is happening in your body & in your nervous system.

And...this is good news!

Because just as your nervous system is designed to give off a stress response, it is also designed to move back towards balance. It is indeed "wired" for it.

In this self paced course learn the basics of WHY your system gets overwhelmed and HOW to bring yourself back to a clearer mind & calmer heart, using 3 main tools that you already have:

  • your breath
  • your body
  • your awareness

None of this is rocket science.
It's just that you've not been taught how to use them as your allies.

But now you can.
Simply. Swiftly. Self Reliantly.

Scroll down for course details.

Too overwhelmed to take a course?

You've come to the right place.

I get it.

Even the thought of taking a course to deal with overwhelm IS overwhelming!

Which is why this course is designed to fit into a busy schedule and meet you exactly where you are (mmm...not as "with it" as you could be!).

Bite size & time efficient.
The lessons are short with most videos and practices lasting just a few minutes. You are guided each step of the way, with each step broken down into bite size smaller steps. You get to move at your own pace with gentle reminders & guidance. And the tools you’ll learn will actually help you create more time and space in your life.

Easy to follow. Simple to use. Results you can see & feel.

The practices themselves take only a few minutes to do. The trick is to try them out, note the ones you like and then repeat, repeat, repeat them. Depending on your system, you can feel the results almost immediately. You'll be taught what to look for when your system is moving out of "stress!" and into more "rest"...and begin to notice it more and more.

No experience in yoga or mindfulness needed.
You don’t need any prior experience with yoga or meditation to benefit from this course. The practices are simple, practical, and designed for everyday people who want effective tools without needing to adopt a new lifestyle or belief system. The focus is on tangible results, not on spiritual or esoteric concepts.

Some practices will feel like magic. Others won't.

All of the practices in this course are gentle. Some will feel amazing. And some won't. In fact it may feel like some don't do anything or don't feel quite right. And that's normal, because each nervous system is unique & holds its own story. Most of the time if a practice doesn't feel right, it simply means that that practice is not the right fit for you at the moment. This course guides you in what to do if that happens: don't force anything and go where it feels relatively better and easier.

Nope. Not therapy.
The material in this course is designed to support you on your path of wellbeing, but does not replace therapy. It can support work you are already doing with a qualified professional. If you find that you continue to be overwhelmed please seek out professional help.

Self paced & lifetime access.
The course starts now and only ends if/when this site is discontinued. This course is a self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

Scroll down for more info on course access & refunds.

A Course Made for You


Your body, breath & awareness are some of your greatest allies. Learn how, why & when to use them to bring about more ease & steadiness.


Enjoy 10 videos & 12 downloadable audio recordings, all under 10 minutes. With easy to follow instructions, you now have tools at your fingertips...Literally!


Build your confidence in being able to shift yourself into relative ease, at will. Feel "in charge" of yourself & your life once again. Or maybe for the first time.

Course Contents
10 Steps | 10 minutes each

  Start Here
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Before You Do the Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 1: Checking In
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 2: Anchoring
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 3: Move, Move, Move
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 4 : Breathe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 5: Finding Your Flow
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 6: Getting Steady
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 7: Rest & Recharge
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 8: Checking In -Take 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 9: Your Connections
Available in days
days after you enroll
  STEP 10: Your Mindset, Asking for & Accepting Help
Available in days
days after you enroll
  More Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll

Small Steps Taken Consistently Create Longlasting Change

Feel More Confident & Empowered...

...1 step at a time

Understanding WHY you're getting overwhelmed, WHAT's happening in your system & HOW you can shift it, is a "game changer".

Understanding + Practical Tools= Agency + Confidence.

I've seen this equation work itself out over the years in my work with private clients. It's not that the overwhelm completely disappears. It's that they recognise its signs, understand why it's happening and know how to better help themselves.

And now you can too.

Time Tested & Client Approved

Everything I share with you in this course is material I have used in my own healing journey over the past 30 years. It's also what I have learned through my trainings and work as a classical yoga therapist and a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), specialised in the resolution of trauma and other states of high stress.

Every practice in this course and every nugget of insight is what I share with my clients when they first come to work with me.

All of that to say, you don't need any previous experience in Yoga or mindfulness to be able to do these or see results.

Anyone can do these.
And, yes, the effect is often immediate.

My wish is for you to come out of this course more confident in your ability to HELP YOURSELF with practical tools in those moments when it all seems a little too much

Invest in Yourself


When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and only ends if/when this site is discontinued. This course is a self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like, and as long as this site is active - across any and all devices you own. We will do our best to notify you if/when our site is changing in any way.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

I'm truly sorry if you aren't. I put my very best effort into creating a course that will serve you well with, content that you can use immediately and in the long term.

If you're not sure whether this course is for you or you 're curious about my teaching style, you can get a better sense of both by signing up for the FREE course, "The Basics of Self Care", following me on Insta or signing up for the FREE Isha Newsletter.

What are your refund policies?
There are no refunds after purchase. Have a look at the previews, look over the curriculum and sign up for the free offerings to get a feel for the content and style of delivery if you have any doubts before you buy.

Meet Your Instructor

Hello & Welcome!

My name is YogaTara and I am passionate about helping people access their innate wisdom, capacity to heal & ability be at ease with themselves & their lives.

I am the founder & director of the Isha Institute, a center of conscious living & holistic learning that is rooted in classical Yoga. I offer courses, workshops, and retreats worldwide for individuals & groups who are seeking to step into an inspired and heath-full life. 

Healing, transformation, creative expression & embodying Yoga are my guiding forces.

I have been--and still am-- on a lifelong journey of healing and spiritual growth. This journey has led me on paths I could never have imagined, including living more than 20 years in Nepal and studying and practicing classical Yoga since then. My background includes degrees in biochemistry, transpersonal psychology and applied yogic science as well as training as a Somatic Experiencing practitioner.

All of the offerings you'll find on this site are designed to be informative & practical. It is my sincere wish that what you find here supports you to evolve, thrive and move into a life and a “you” that you LOVE.

To find out more about Isha, me & my background, have a look here.


When purchasing this course you agree to the disclaimer for this website and its offerings, and to take full responsibility for the use of the materials offered and not hold the site or creator liable for any occurrences or results of use of course material.