The Basics of Self Care

Practices to center, stablize & re-source


This course is short, simple & designed for just about anyone & everyone.

Every practice in this class is an audio recording. Each recording has a specific goal whether that's to get you centered, or steady, or to help you find a little more space for yourself. You can use the practices separately, or all in a row. And once you get the hang of them you can use them anytime, anywhere (space permitting! see course guidelines for specifics).

Remember, you already have the tools you need to be
well: your body, your breath & your awareness. In The Basics of Self Care you begin to learn how to use them so that they become some of your greatest allies.

My wish is for you to come out of this course feeling a bit more at ease & more confident in your ability to help yourself in simple ways.

See you inside!

"This course is packaged in a way that was extremely easy to incorporate into my existing day to day life. The practices are all short enough to practice regularly without needing to carve out too much time which can often be a deterrent for me, especially as time is rare with two young daughters. They are wonderful tools that have helped me increase the quality of my sleep, ease my anxiety and help me relax and center at anytime of the day. I loved the regular emails and found Yoga Tara's honest and open accounts of her own experiences were very useful and reassuring that everything I am feeling is normal. I have been lucky enough to practice with Yoga Tara in Nepal and I feel very thankful for the opportunity to continue to work with her through online courses such as this. I am looking forward to the next one!"

- Melita (age 39)

Course Curriculum

  Start Here
Available in days
days after you enroll
  First Things First: Checking In
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Centering & Stabilizing Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Rest & Re-source Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mindset: The Power of our Perspective
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Yogatara L.A. Gautschi
Yogatara L.A. Gautschi

Hello & Welcome

My name is YogaTara and I am passionate about helping people access their innate wisdom, capacity to heal & ability be at ease with themselves & their lives.

I am the founder & director of the Isha Institute, a center of conscious living & yogic learning. At Isha, we offer personal sessions, courses, workshops & retreats worldwide for individuals & groups who are seeking to step into an inspired & full life.

Healing, transformation, creative expression and living Yoga are my guiding forces. I have been--and still am-- on a lifelong journey of healing and spiritual growth. This journey has led me on paths I could never have imagined, including living more than 20 years in Nepal and doing my best to live Yoga & sannyas.

The offerings here are designed to be informative & practical. It is my sincere wish that what you find here supports you in moving towards the life and “you” that you LOVE.

To find out more about Isha & my journey have a look here.

"Possibly the best Yoga teacher (and teacher) I have ever had. Yogatara is an intuitive and gifted teacher."- Susan (F/ age 47), Australia/Nepal

" I’ve been working with Yogatara for over a year in private counseling sessions.
I’ve been on psychiatric drugs and in talk therapy for years and my well-schooled intellect kept my problems locked in my mind. It was time for my body to let my emotions, fears and memories out to heal.
I’ve made rapid progress in a relatively short time — my anxiety has lessened considerably.
I didn’t realize the extent of the damage until I started working with Yogatara. That might sound like a bad thing, but you can’t heal what you don’t know. I had no idea my body was so tightly leashed — it’s no wonder I was physically ill so often. I can’t recommend the somatic experiencing sessions enough."

- Tammy (F/ 52), USA

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own, as long as this site is up and running.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you are unsatisfied with the content, need clarifications, or want one-on-one support, write to us at [email protected]. We welcome constructive feedback anytime.

At the end of this course I hope you feel a bit more at ease and refreshed than before.

I'm so glad you listened to that voice within you that was -- and is-- looking for ways to take good care of you.

Keep going.
Keep trying.
One step at a time.

Really, that's all that is ever asked of us: to do the best we can with what we have at the moment. And hopefully now, after this course, you have a few more tools in your toolbox of Self Care!

If you liked this material, keep practicing AND share the goodness--send it to your friends & family.

Self care is a process. It doesn't just happen overnight. To me, it often feels like this: practice. repeat. adjust. practice. repeat. adjust. etc....I say this because I've spent most of the past 30 years un-learning (negative beliefs/ways), learning, practicing, stumbling, getting back up, stumbling again, resting, getting back up, practicing. Again and again. Put like that it sort of sounds hard. And it is, at times. But it also becomes easier and easier. Sort of like brushing your teeth: as a child, it probably wasn't your favorite thing to do, and at first you needed some prodding. But with time it became part of your daily self-care routine (hopefully!). So much so that you don't even think about it now. You just do it.

Practices of Self Care also become part of our daily routine when we (1) do them repeatedly, (2) recognize their positive effects, AND when we put our wellbeing as a priority.

As my graduate advisor in spiritual psychology always told me: "Yogatara, Rule #1 is Self Care.” If you think that's being self-centered, remember: you can only truly help another when you are full & overflowing yourself.

So, if by the end of the course you're full to the brim with the material in this course, great.

If you're not ready to join this course but want to stay connected, sign up for the Isha Newsletter. It only goes out once (or twice) a month, so your inbox won't be over-taxed. Otherwise, connect with me on Instagram.

And if you're ready for more goodness, join our other online courses. These classes are a tad more intensive or topic specific. They are full of practices to help you find more ease within YOU--in the good, and the not so good times.

If you prefer in-person work, reach out for one-on-one support or to join a workshop or retreat. Whichever way you choose, I'll be happy to connect with you.

One last thing:
My sincere goal is to offer tools that are (1) accessible and (2) effective. I'm open to constructive input and feedback that will help improve the content, design and delivery of courses, so please share yours.

Want more on breath work? On how the body can help us manage the mind? Or maybe you're looking to learn about or deepen your understanding of Yoga as a lifestyle? Whatever it might be, please write.

Thank you.


Get started now!