Accessible & seemingly "simple", Yoga Nidra is a guided meditative practice that brings you into a state of deep rest, where your body, mind, heart and energy can regenerate & restore themselves.

This series of recorded practices is suitable for those with previous experience in Yoga Nidra or meditation. Each recording includes the use of sankalpa (personal affirmation/resolve) and visualisations to bring about wellbeing, health & positive transformation on all levels.

These recordings can be used in any order you wish, at different times and for your different needs.


Healing & Vitalizing

The 3 recordings in this bundle are for those who:

  • are experienced with Yoga Nidra and/or deep meditation
  • wish for a deeper practice
  • are seeking tools to support their health, healing & wellbeing

This bundle comes with instructions on:

  • HOW/WHEN to use the recordings
  • sankalpa (personal resolve): what it is, how to use it & why it's important to wait for it to find you
  • contra-indications
  • FAQs

Meet the face behind the voice


My name is Yogatara and I am the woman behind the voice you'll hear in the recordings.

I'll never forget the first time I practiced Yoga Nidra, over 20 years ago. I was stunned & left speechless by how profoundly rested & well I felt after the practice. Yoga Nidra gave me a new experience of myself. I was hooked!

The style of Yoga Nidra I offer is inspired by the Bihar School of Yoga, a classical tradition of Yoga which I have practiced for over 20 years.

I work full time as a spiritual psychologist, trauma therapist & yoga instructor. You can find out more about me here.

Yoga Nidra transformed my life and has been an important "tool" in my toolkit as I have navigated life's many experiences--marriage, children, divorce, graduate studies, bouts of ill health, loss...and joy. My sincere wish is that these practices offer you a glimpse of your own inherent state of stillness and allow you to befriend your mind, your heart and your life.

Happy practice!

Your investment in Goodness