Beloved by many for its accessibility & simplicity, Yoga Nidra is a guided meditative practice that brings you into a state of deep rest, where your body, mind, heart and energy can regenerate & restore themselves.

To do the practice, all you need is a quiet place to lie down, a light cover, the recording and YOU... exactly as you are.

Unlike other meditative techniques that require you to sit and actively focus the mind, Yoga Nidra does not...and can feel almost effortless.

The three Yoga Nidra recordings in this bundle are 16min, 18 min and 21 min long: perfect for short break in a busy day.


The 3 recordings in this bundle are designed for you, if you:

  • are new to Yoga Nidra,
  • want a "short & light" practice
  • are an experienced practitioner who wants to simplify & go "back to basics"

This bundle comes with instructions on:

  • HOW to use the practice
  • WHEN (and when not) to practice
  • TIPS to make the best use of Yoga Nidra
  • FAQs

Meet the person behind the voice


My name is Yogatara and I am the woman behind the voice you'll hear in the recordings.

I'll never forget the first time I practiced Yoga Nidra, over 20 years ago. I was stunned & left speechless by how profoundly rested & well I felt after the practice. Yoga Nidra gave me a new experience of myself. I was hooked!

The style of Yoga Nidra I offer is inspired by the Bihar School of Yoga, a classical tradition of Yoga which I have practiced for over 20 years.

I work full time as a spiritual psychologist, trauma therapist & yoga instructor. You can find out more about me here.

Yoga Nidra transformed my life and has been an important "tool" in my toolkit as I have navigated life's many experiences--marriage, children, divorce, graduate studies, bouts of ill health, loss...and joy. My sincere wish is that these practices offer you a glimpse of your own inherent state of stillness and allow you to befriend your mind, your heart and your life.

Happy practice!

Invest in Yourself