About Gayatri Mantra: purpose, sankalpa & yantra

The Gayatri mantra, also known as Savitri mantra, is one of the most well known classical mantras. It is considered to be a universal mantra and just like the Mahamrityunajaya mantra it comes from the oldest known Vedic Sanskrit text, the Rig Veda.

Savitri is one aspect of the Sun, the centre of our system and source of life on our planet. This mantra invokes Savitri's luminosity and other qualities as the source, inviting us to attune to these same qualities.

As Swami Niranjanananda explains, the Gayatri mantra helps us acquire wisdom. Its soft syllables activate the corresponding centres in the brain which aid our process of learning and understanding, and help us to acquire better perception.

There are various translations of the Gayatri mantra. But for the sake of this practice, I encourage you to experience the mantra at the level of sound vibration. Notice how you feel in body & mind, before and after chanting.

How to use the Gayatri Mantra:

  • chant upon waking, even as you are still in bed.

  • before chanting, make the resolve (sankalpa):
    For right understanding, clarity, focus, positivity and to awaken intuition, wisdom and the higher faculties of mind.
    "My mind and thoughts are positive, clear, and truthful. The higher faculties of my mind, my wisdom and intuition now awaken."

  • sequence: chant 11 rounds of Gayatri daily after chanting 11 rounds of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and before 3 rounds of the 32 names of Durga.

If you are new to using mantra I suggest that you build your practice as follows:

  • week 1 : slow version three times a week.
  • week 2: slow version six times a week (take 1 day off)
  • week 3 onwards: regular paced version, 11 rounds, daily, preceded by Mahamrityunjaya and followed by the 32 Names of Durga.

The geometrical depiction of the Gayatri mantra, or "yantra", is below. If you want to learn more about yantra, stay tuned.

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